In C-SAC postdoctoral scholars, PhD-students, senior researchers and MA-students engage in fruitful dialogue. Since the Centres foundation in 2010 this milieu has continually attracted PhD-students and postdoctoral scholars from Denmark and abroad.
2018: Seven active PhD-projects affiliated to C-SAC (three from Denmark, two from the Netherlands, one from the US and one from Italy).
2010-2018: Eight PhD-dissertations have been successfully defended by candidates, who were affiliated to C-SAC (five candidates had a background in Theology, two in the Nordic Master’s Programme Religious Roots of Europe and one in Religious Studies).
2018: Two active postdoctoral project (one scholar from Denmark and one from Canada).
2010-2018: Seven successfully concluded postdoctoral projects (three scholars from Denmark, one from Serbia, one from Rumania, one from Israel and one from Russia)